My web3 Manifesto

Martin Welker
1 min readDec 25, 2021


The essence of web3 is not about technology, but society. It's about democratization. It's cutting out the middlemen, the door-keepers. People need to participate directly in their environment. If this environment is virtual, so be it. They need a way to contribute to decision-making (DAOs). If they have it, they simply will be better at what they do. It’s their house.


They need ways to own their environment (NFTs). You will be a better human if you can own what you are working on. As simple as that.


We will soon bundle and structure every single business out there differently. An organization will either be transformed to be DAO-manageable and transparent - Or it will be replaced by one.


Like physical containers, Token-driven DAOs / organizations will allow us to build bigger structures by bundling. Welcome to an interfaces-driven business world. People will no longer invest in ambiguous intransparent enterprises as they will not drive gasoline-fuels cars.

These things will come much sooner than we think.

